Drugs, Alcohol and Tobacco Among Teenagers

Drugs, Alcohol and Smoking 

Resultado de imagen de jovenes bebiendo alcoholResultado de imagen de jovenes fumando        
      by: Ander Mendive, paula Ramos, Naira Mendive y Daniel Ruiz (the group special)

Hello, welcome to this virtual space created by the group "the especial group" .Hope you like it and have a great time

Interview to yanira (1º Eso)
what do you think about drugs?
it hurts yourself and the people you have around.
what do you think about alcohol?
It is very bad because when you drink too much you can get dizzy or blame it for something that you did not do to another
Do you like to drink alcohol or use drugs?
what do you think about smoking?
I think I don’t do never

Interview to Lucia (1º Eso)

what do you think about drugs?
is bad, this objects should not be consumed
what do you think about alcohol?
is bad, and damage the lungs
Do you like to drink alcohol or use drugs?
Never is bad and you die
what do you think about smoking?
The smoking killing

Interview to Aimar (1º Eso)
what do you think about drugs?
is bad do damage
what do you think about alcohol?
when you drink little bit is gud but when you drink a lot of alcohol is bad
Do you like to drink alcohol or use drugs?
use drugs no but drink alcohol try.
what do you think about smoking?
leaves you black teeth

Interview to saioa  (3 Eso)
what do you think about drugs?
what is bad for health and no one would have to consume it
what do you think about alcohol?
in a small amount it is good but in a lot it is bad
Do you like to drink alcohol or use drugs?
older boy but drugs nothing
what do you think about smoking?
which is very bad and hurts the lungs

Interview to leyre  (6º)
what do you think about drugs?
that are very bad, that should not be consumed and should be prohibited
what do you think about alcohol?
I don't have anything about alcohol, but it should be consumed at the legal age
Do you like to drink alcohol or use drugs?
in the future smoking yes but getting high no
what do you think about smoking?
which at the beginning is something fun but in the long run it is not so fun

Interview to Irene (6º)
what do you think about drugs?
they are bad for your health
what do you think about alcohol?
the same
Do you like to drink alcohol or use drugs?
ehhh No
what do you think about smoking?
the leaves black lungs

Interview to Daniel (the teacher)
what do you think about drugs?
about drugs I think two things
 that is bad for the health
and are two types of drugs
soft drugs
hard drugs
what do you think about alcohol?
It is good in small quantities but it is bad in large quantities
Do you like to drink alcohol or use drugs?
I've eaten alcohol but drugs never
what do you think about smoking?
that he would never like to smoke since it damages your lungs and does not understand why people smoke since it damages all the organisms of the body but that it was legal because it was a soft drug

In conclusion we think:
Drugs:In conclusion, we believe that taking drugs is quite bad and on top of that your organism is gradually being damaged and that can harm your health and have many problems in your life, and you can even die if you abuse so much of drugs . So we recommend that it not be used because they are very bad

Alcohol:In conclusion Alcohol is not bad in a few quantities but in many quantities it is bad since you can do things that you would never do and would like to do, the alcohol if you do not know how to control the quantities I would recommend you not to drink the alcohol because it can get the bad out of you

    3. Smoking:In conclusion, smoking is bad for the lungs in a few           quantities and in many and we do not understand people who smoke because yes, because it is killing us, we recommend that you do not smoke because many things that are bad can happen to you and leaves your teeth black 

Resultado de imagen de end


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